Monday, 10 December 2012

Nobel Peace Prize Farce

Today, dear reader, is that infamous day of the Great Europhile Farce, when a modest delegation from the European Union will present itself in Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

Modest, Alfred? How modest precisely?

Well, extraordinarily and remarkably modest, dear reader. Let me see who all travels to Oslo to participate in the pageant. First of all we have of course the various presidents: Barroso, Van Rompuy, and Schulz. Two of those will talk and the poor third – Mr Schulz - will sit and listen with an earnest but happy face as if he does not mind. Then all of the heads of government were invited to attend, and no fewer than 20 of them will hop over for a bit of the fun. To ensure that the European populace is also represented, one child from every member state will be sent to Norway and given a seat. And then there are of course a handful of European Civil Servants, who never fail to attend a champagne party when somebody else pays for it.

In short: there are more EU delegates here today than there ever were laureates in the history of the Nobel Peace Prize! And the most interesting bit of this whole circus will be to see how in the world the whole bundle of them will be herded onto the podium. There simply is no room for them all! The King of Norway will surely be asked to give up his seat, and so will the Nobel Peace Prize Committee. 

Watch the show, dear reader… And keep a good eye out to see who elbows whom off the stage when the going gets tough. Just as in the Kremlin Watching of the past, this will tell you who’s on top and who’s on the way out in our Beloved European Union!

Postscript 11 December: If you wish to read the eloquent views of a most savvy gentleman on the EU’s merit for getting the Peace Prize, and the irony of them getting this award from a country which is deliberately NOT a member of the EU, look at this here article by Daniel Hannan.


  1. Mr Mittington,
    Please excuse this comment for having no bearing whatsoever on your post (although as ever I enjoyed it), but I came upon the attached article on the Spanish Political Class, and their crimes almost make those of the Euroland look tame in comparison.

    I am now even more depressed than ever,



  2. Dear David,

    That's one long read, by Jove! But it is worth the trouble, I agree.

    Unfortunately, I do not know if the trouble can be mended. Reading up on the 16th century in Spain recently, it struck me that the country suffered from the exact same social and political illnesses as today... O Tempora...!

    Incidentally: we BOTH lost out bet. The Euro turns out to be a whole lot tougher than we thought. Sadly, the longer they postpone curing our ills, the more painful the operation will turn out to be, I fear. O mores...!

    Let us just both drink our own bottle, so as to forget...

    Yours, Alfred
